We have a passion for sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ, a passion for His people, and a passion for His Glory to be known!
We believe that the ultimate purpose of our marriage and in our lives in to bring glory to God. Long before the two of us met, God had given each of us a heart for the nations, for missions, for His people. After much prayer, we have decided to step out in faith to pursue this dream of full-time ministry in another land, especially France and possibly expanding further through Western Europe.
From Joe: I had been praying for God’s spirit to revive believers and awaken unbelievers in Western Europe since college days. He brought me to Russia in 1990 to plant seeds of the Gospel where it had been denied for over 73 years. Although Europe was Christianized through the early centuries of the last millennium, in the last century Europe has largely abandoned the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
From Bethany: The Lord opened my eyes to His global mission several years ago, and specifically, put France on my heart. I served as a missionary intern in Paris in 2010, and during my time there I felt as if I was home, as if I had found the place I was meant to be. He has given me a love and a burden for the French people that even I don't truly understand. I am incredibly excited that the Lord has called us as a family to go to France, and that He has opened up such a wonderful opportunity for us to serve and use our gifts and skills for His glory!
Meet Joe
Joe was participating in evangelism and discipleship with CRU at Northwestern University. By junior year God gave Joe a heart for reaching the lost, especially overseas. Joe was a part of a prayer group that gathered daily to pray for spiritual needs on campus and in individual countries around the world. Joe had been praying for God’s spirit to revive believers and awaken unbelievers in Western Europe since college days. God brought him to Leningrad, the Soviet Union in 1989 to plant seeds of the Gospel where it had been denied for over 73 years. Joe has served in his local church in ministries such as children’s, men’s, prayer team, and worship team, and his heart is to make vibrant disciples of Jesus Christ who make disciples of others. Professionally, Joe has been working as an IT Project Manager (PMP Certified) with diverse and international teams to utilize their unique gifts in achieving common goals.
Missions Preparations:
- Trained with CRU in evangelism, discipleship, and multiplication
- Actively shared the Gospel every Spring Break with CRU at Daytona Beach
- Trained in cross-cultural ministry at the University of the Nations in New York
- Short-term Evangelistic Mission trip with a CRU team in Leningrad, Russia in 1989
- Certificate in Perspectives on the World Christian Movement
Biblical training:
- Self-study in topics of doctrine, evangelism & discipleship, apologetics, the Spirit-filled life, the attributes of God, and other world religions
- Taught and trained informally in the Word by Dan Lewis, former professor at William Tyndale College and current teacher with YWAM’s University of the Nations
- Trained in Old Testament, New Testament, Theology & Ethics, History & Culture, etc.
- Continued education in Biblical Studies through BibleMesh
Meet Bethany
The Lord opened Bethany’s eyes to His global mission several years ago, and

specifically, put France on her heart. Bethany served on a missionary internship with The Mission Society in Paris in 2010. She then devoted all her resources to preparing for full-time ministry in France by taking courses in theology, missions, and French. She taught English as a Second Language to Burmese refugees and taught ESL in a large outreach program in Louisiana. She is currently a homeschool mom to their 3 daughters, and seeking service and outreach opportunities in her community. While at home, she has completed her ministry degree in missions and is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Biblical Studies with an emphasis on New Testament Greek.
Missions Preparations:
- Studied Systematic Theology through Credo Courses
- Certificate in Perspectives on the World Christian Movement
- Certificate in Encountering the World of Islam
- Certificate in Teaching ESL from North American Mission Board (NAMB)
- Self-study in Evangelism, Apologetics, Missions, Theology, Church Planting, etc.
- Former Missionary intern with The Mission Society; served in the Paris, France area
Biblical Training:
- Graduated with a Bachelor of Ministry in Missions through West Coast Bible College and Seminary (September 2021)
- Continuation of Systematic Theology, Biblical Studies, Church Planting with BiblicalTraining.org
- Currently pursuing Masters in Biblical Studies with emphasis on New Testament Greek at Andersonville Theological Seminary.
God has given us a love and a burden for the French people that we don’t truly understand. We are incredibly excited that the Lord has called us as a family to go to France, and that He has opened up such a wonderful opportunity for us to serve and use our gifts and skills for His glory!