
We believe that God's heart is for His Church. As the Church, we are the physical expression of His love on earth. This is why church planting is so important, and this is the area of ministry in which we will be involved France: church planting. Not building up more buildings, but evangelizing and creating disciples who will be added to the Body of Christ.

Our ministry vision is to establish a Church Planting Movement (CPM) in France through relational evangelism and discipleship among the secular French, and also to mobilize and equip French believers to fulfill the Great Commission. While living in and among the people we seek to reach, we strive to penetrate the spiritual darkness of France with the Light of Christ.


France is generally considered a Christian nation, even in missionary circles, because it is nominally Roman Catholic in tradition and history. However, statistically, only 5% of French Catholics claim to actually believe in God.

According to eglises.org, there are approximately only 2,200 evangelical churches to reach a population of 67 million. There are only 1-1.5% evangelical Christians in the whole country of France. According to the Joshua Project's definition, the French are an "unreached people group" because it has less than 2% evangelical witness.
Click here to read more about the spiritual state and needs of France.

Next Steps: We are now in the partnership development/support-raising phase of our journey.  We would love to sit down with you over coffee or talk over the phone about what we have experienced in France and what we are trusting God to do there in the future. Also, we would love to have you on our prayer team, because apart from Him, we can do nothing! Click to find out how to partner with us.

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