Partner With Us

We cannot reach the mission field without you.

The task of taking the Good News to the Unreached People Groups (UPG), including the French, is significant, but it’s not a job we are to do alone. Working together, churches, financial supporters, prayer partners, and missionaries are each making a valuable contribution to the Great Commission. We are called to go together.

The fruit of this important partnership is lives changed by the Gospel, brought into communities of believers, who in turn gather to worship God and scatter to make His name known.

Will you join us?



Needed ongoing monthly or annual donations for living expenses, taxes, insurance, training, etc.


Needed for one-time departure expenses for language school, moving/shipping, one-way travel, visa/residency permits, vehicle, home setup

Monthly Support Raised:


One-time Support Raised:


Monthly Partners

Be a financial partner and help share the love of Christ in France and around the Globe. We need the following partners to be fully supported for long-term ministry. We hope and pray that you will join us as a financial partner and join us in sharing the love of Christ, making disciples, and planting churches in France and around the world.

It is only through the partnership of many people praying and giving that God will supply our needs.

Giving may even mean a personal sacrifice on your part. But we would not be asking if the challenges and opportunities for church planting were not so great. We value your support. Whether through prayer, encouragement, or finances, you are an integral part of our ministry team.

For Donations:

  • To give online by checking or credit card, go to click here or the image below to go to the donation website. (All donations through Globe International are tax-deductible charitable donations.)
  • If you would like to give by check, a response slip and envelope can be provided to you on request.

God has created us all to need each other and depend on each other. We are created for community. Every member of the body has an important role to play. You, my friend, are important to us and to the body of Christ!


We are SO thankful to you and the Lord for your continued love and support as we follow Him overseas.

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