I was struck this week with a marvelous example of anticipation from my daughter, Ellie. When I am close to home, Mama(Bethany) tells her that Papa is coming and she runs to the window looking for "Papa red car!" to pull in the driveway. When I arrive and walk to the front door she is overflowing with anticipation and bubbling over with enthusiasm. She runs down the hall saying, "Papa, Papa, Papa!" As a father it is a tremendous thrill and joy to be there for her and Mama!
It made me think, do I anticipate the return of Jesus Christ with the same anticipation? All we know for certain is that He promised to return in triumph and take us home to Heaven with Him but no one knows that exact date or time. Am I so caught up in my own schedule and my own plans that I forget sometimes the great coming of my Lord and Savior! I want to be running toward Him and bringing thousands with me who have believed in Him name and trusted Him as Lord and Savior.
As God's plans to take us to France move ever closer we grow in anticipation of what He will do in us, through us, and in spite of us. Our time to go seems to be so very close and at the same time so far away. There is still a lot of work to be done here in raising a team of prayer warriors and financial supporters, in preparing to move out of our house in the United States, in making arrangements for our travel, and taking some training here before we go. We are also anticipating the arrival of our newest little Bindeman around November!
All these changes seem at once very far away and also amazingly close. I am comforted by the promise of God in Philippians 1:6 that "he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Thank you for your prayers - we sense them, and for your partnership in the Gospel.